Reason #386 why medications suck
Thursday, May 14, 2009
How in the world can people enjoy being spun? Seriously. My stupid medications (legal prescription ones, in case you are wondering) are making me feel all spun and woohoo and shit and it sucks. I feel all weird and restless and crawly. Blah! I can’t think straight and just existing is difficult. And I’m not freakin’ productive at all. So there’s no way I’m going to get a block of wood and whittle it down to a baseball bat or organize a collection of dust bunnies or try to build an ark out of Legos. And I won’t be deciding anytime soon that my washing machine looks better on the front lawn, or that my house should have cat ears on the roof.
I am so lame - what does "spun" mean? High? Whacked out? Floaty? All of the above? LOL!
I'm sorry you're feeling weird, hot mama! Hopefully you'll be back to normal soon. Sending you lots of love, as always. :)
Nice pic of The D. Duck!