Things a 7 year old probably shouldn't know
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Last night, Jacob was having a hard time getting to sleep. He said he was having bad dreams, but I know that he hadn’t even fallen asleep yet and just wanted to snuggle. So he came into my room and I let him snuggle with me for a few minutes. Well I was watching Family Guy, so of course he started watching with me. At one point Stewie said, “You’re going to (bleep)ing die in about 5 seconds…” and Jacob said, “I think he means ‘F word die’”. Indeed. So I told him, “You know, as a 7 year old, that’s probably not something you should really know” and he replied, “I won’t tell anyone”. As long as we have an understanding.
Then, a couple of minutes later, Stewie called someone a tall glass of poop juice and that certainly got raucous laughter from him. A good poop joke is always a hit with boys. On that note, I put him back in bed. As I was trying to say goodnight to him, he was laughing so hard that I starting laughing really hard, which only made him laugh harder. Brian came into the room to see what was so darn funny. Jacob kept repeating the line and I told him not to bust that out at school and he said, “I know, I won’t”. Here’s hoping…
Awwww! That warms my heart! I love the fits of giggles where no one can stop laughing and in the end who knows what was even so funny. So very sweet. I love that you shared that moment. :)
Fingers crossed he doesn't repeat all the things he knows. LOL!