Things I don't get
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
• Those fake testicles people hang from their truck bumpers. Seriously? It's not enough that you're basically driving a giant penis, but you need to actually hang balls from the back of it? I'm sure those guys don't have a sense of humor that extends beyond fart jokes.
• Dogs that fit in purses. That’s not a dog, that’s chew toy for my cat.
• Va-jay-jay. WTF? That just sounds childish. I, as a self respecting GROWN UP, refuse to use such cutesy euphemisms.
• (Speaking of stuff on people's cars): Those cute little stick people families I see stuck on the back windows of many family-mobiles. They are very cute. They also make me think of the pedophiles who may be using that as a personal “menu”. “Oooh, this family has 3 girls, what a nice selection. I think I’ll follow them home!” Uh, yeah, so not safe.
• Robot Chicken. Why does this show even exist? Who's the genius who greenlighted this piece of crap?
yeah I'm forced to wathc the stupid show. It's not even funny.
Oh I never thought of the pedophile thing. YIKES! I don't have those things, but always thought they were cute.
And I have no idea what these fake testicles you are speaking of. ::insert shock face::
Those dogs and purses...yeah, not me. Just silly. ;o)
Love you!
I can't stand the stick families on cars!!!
**Those cute little stick people families I see stuck on the back windows of many family-mobiles. They are very cute. They also make me think of the pedophiles who may be using that as a personal “menu”. “Oooh, this family has 3 girls, what a nice selection. I think I’ll follow them home!” Uh, yeah, so not safe.**
i know, i want to walk up to those people and tell them it's the same as when they used to tell people not to put your kids' names on their shirts or backpacks, because then pedophiles could call them by name and say they know them. yikes people.
altho, on the balls from the trucks, i always thought that was hilarious. but then, i'm surrounded by fart jokes at home. even the baby does them, and he doesn't really talk yet. =/