Game show: Hole in the Wall

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I had the opportunity to watch this show briefly several nights ago (for about 5 minutes) and I have to say that it is hilarious. Not the show itself, but simply the fact that it exists. I probably would have watched for longer, because everyone loves a good train wreck, but Brian changed the channel. On retrospect, that was probably for the better. I can’t afford to sacrifice brain cells.

For anyone who has not seen this show, let me explain. This is a show where 2 teams with goofy names like “The Six Packs” and “The Beer Bellies” are dressed in these strange silver full body leotard type outfits (excellent visual with the beer bellies) and helmets, and they look kind of like they are wrapped in tin foil like a baked potato. So then this wall appears with a human shaped hole cut into it, usually in some strange contorted position. The person who is up (or people in some cases) stands on a mat which basically drops off like a cliff at the end into a pool of water that is nuclear-waste-green, and the wall moves toward the person and the person has to contort themselves into whatever weird lotus-downward-dog-I'm-a-little-teapot position the hole is cut into and the objective is for them to pass through the hole as the wall moves past them, without getting knocked into the toxic spill beneath the cliff.

The funniest part? From what I watched, the leg holes are often much much shorter than the contestants' actual legs. They must have used 10 year old kids as models for the holes. So it looks like the contestant is going to fit through the hole, but no, his leg is too long and he gets bonked on the foot and into the ooze for him.

WOW. I really wish I could have been around for the brainstorming session on that one. They aren't even trying to come up with semi-intelligent game shows anymore.

Posted by Michelle at 10:00  
Robyn said...

And I thought that was an Australian show?! Five minutes worth is about right. Its possibly the oddest thing I've seen on TV yet. The stroke of brilliance here is that they have celebrity teams and there are few things funnier than seeing a bunch of B-grade celebrities crammed into those silver suits! ;)

Saturday, September 13, 2008 at 1:34:00 PM PDT  
Ania said...

I believe that it's a rip-off from a Japanese show.

Sunday, September 14, 2008 at 11:29:00 AM PDT  
Jen said...

Ellen does a bit like this on her talk show. It's hilarious. But yea, a few minutes is more than enough.

Monday, September 15, 2008 at 7:20:00 AM PDT  

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